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3 Easy Steps to Marketing Yourself as An Expert

Writer's picture: Heather CherryHeather Cherry

Marketing yourself might feel cheesy. Maybe it feels unauthentic. However, in most professions and industries, its necessary. This is especially true if you are a salesperson of a product, a freelancer, or a business owner.

Get out of your own way and use these 3 easy steps to marketing yourself as an expert:

Step One: Define Your Brand

Determine, what it is that you sell. Now, what is it that you really sell? Sometimes these ideas get murky. Focus on the value-add of your product or service. How will this help your ideal customer?

Now, decide why you are the perfect person to sell this product or service. Why would someone pick you instead of Pam (or Sam) from XYZ company?

What is your mission? Why are you passionate about selling the thing(s) you’re selling? Have you used the products personally? Do they resonate with your culture? What problem do they solve that you believe in?

What is your personality? What about your personality makes you the best choice to work with? Are you friendly? Are you brash? If so, why is that important?

What is your emotional appeal? What emotion(s) does your product (or service) appeal to?

You’ll need to be able to reiterate this frequently, so create a bio and elevator pitch to have at your disposal.

To create a bio = introduce yourself, add your education and credentials, notable achievements, and finish with a closing statement. Keep it short. Do not include all your achievements or accomplishments. Stick to the most recent and most relevant. If you have a diverse background, create multiple bios to deploy in different scenarios.

For more information about how to write a professional bio, check out this article.

To create an elevator pitch = introduce yourself, provide a summary of what you do, explain what you want, and finish with a call to action. When delivering, take your time, make it conversational, and avoid jargon words (or phrases). Always express confidence!

For more information about how to deliver an elevator pitch, check out this article.

Step Two: Start Promoting Yourself NOW

Never wait until marketing is a necessity to start marketing. If you’re an author, never (and I repeat) never wait until the book is printed to start promoting.

Marketing is (almost) always a long-term solution to a short-term problem.

Here are some ways to start promoting yourself now:

1) Choose a social media platform and get social!

  • Connect with professionals in your industry

  • Connect with your target audience

  • Share your story in unexpected ways

2) Create a website, even a scrolling one page will do. Write sharp content on a simple, aesthetically pleasing website.

3) Be of service to others. Volunteer for a worthy cause or join a nonprofit board of directors.

Step Three: Build a Community

Marketing is about building a relationship. One way to grow your community is to expand your reach. Doing this might mean trying new mediums like public speaking or writing.

1) Present in your target market about a topic that is relevant to your expertise.

  • What can you teach an audience?

  • Can you host a hands-on workshop teaching your skill?

2) Guest blog and pitch editors at magazines in your industry. For example, if you’re a car salesperson, pitch a local magazine about writing a car maintenance column. **I would totally read it because I know nothing about cars.

3) Partner with like-minded organizations for an event or a meet and greet. A simple way to gain brand recognition with your target audience. For example, consider sponsoring a Chamber of Commerce event.

Other Tips

  • Remember, marketing yourself as an expert requires a direct and simple approach.

  • Use a social media scheduler and batch your social media posts. Schedulers like Hootsuite, Planoly, and Buffer are free for up to three platforms.

  • If you’re going to Do-It-Yourself with your website design, I recommend using a platform like Wix. It’s a drag and drop platform packed with all the tools you’ll need to make it secure, and search engine optimized (SEO). They also have marketing automation and email marketing built into their platform.

  • If you’re a female entrepreneur looking for an inexpensive website, check out Wix DesignHer for valuable advice about building your Wix site.

Are you ready to take the leap and hire an expert marketing copywriter? Click here to find the right content package for your business.


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